Thursday, April 21, 2011

364 Days Left: The Pre-Anniversary?

I'm not even 24 hours into this little experiment, and I've messed up already. Shocker! Wedding Anniversaries, like the WNBA, were invented by women, for women, and only serve to make men angry. That being said, i at least understand the "significance" of them... It gives old couples something to brag about. But "Pre-Anniversaries?" !?!?!?!?! What kind of bull shit is that? Sounds like a made up holiday, like Secretaries Day or Rosh Hashanah. I'm not even married yet, and I already "forgot" an anniversary.

According to some people (women), The Pre-Anniversary is a special day to celebrate a year until you are officially married.  And, i thought that's what this blog was for. The way I look at it, there will be plenty of things that I will have to muster up fake excitement for. Does it really have to start with a made up holiday that was invented to celebrate another made up holiday?

The Pre-Anniversary falls into a long list of other "PRE"s that stink: PRE-season football, PRE-ejaculation, and PRE-paid cell phones. When did it become OK to celebrate stuff that hasn't happened yet? Women already except us to remember anniversaries of first dates, weddings, days they were born, ect. How are we supposed to also remember actual important dates like when Hangover 2 comes out (May 26th) or to TIVO The Miss Teen USA Pageant (March 11th)?

If any of you ever have to utter the phrase "Happy belated pre-anniversary," I feel for you. On the bright side, only 364 days left. Tic Toc.

A pre-historic pre-anniversary? 

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